Highest Recommendation

Home Buyer, ,

My wife and I greatly appreciate the professional service provided by everyone at CMT. The home we are purchasing was only four years old and did not show any visible signs of having a moisture problem with its stucco siding. However, we requested CMT’s inspection as a precaution, and are so very glad we did! Jeff performed the inspection and then showed us exactly what was happening with the moisture intrusion that he found. He also spent much additional time on site answering all my many questions. The report was delivered as promised, shortly after completion of the inspection appointment and was comprehensive and presented in a easily understandable format. It detailed both the causes and necessary corrections of the moisture issue. The report even included photographs that visually detailed the various potential construction problem areas, as well as photographic documentation of all the test sample locations, and the measurement values taken from each testing site. Based on CMT’s knowledge and wonderful customer service, their new Certified Dry program has given us the confidence to purchase this home with a moisture problem, since my wife and I are certain that, as a result of CMT’s oversight, the contractors who repair these problems will do it correctly, and there will be no recurrent problems for us down the road. In short, CMT has impressed us with their extraordinary expertise in the field of home moisture concerns and construction best practices. They’ve provided my family with a valued service and peace of mind. I give CMT my highest recommendation.

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Preserve and protect your property today!

You can’t always see what’s damaging your home. The longer a problem remains hidden, the more frustrating and costlier it becomes. Get to the bottom of it, before it gets to your bottom line.